Optima™- Mood Enhancer and Stabilizer

  • Optima™- Mood Enhancer and Stabilizer

Optima™- Mood Enhancer and Stabilizer

  • Helps enhance mood
  • Relaxes the mind
  • Makes sleep more pleasant
  • Chases the blahs
  • Useful supplement to other therapies
  • Increases motivation
  • Allows relaxation


When we have the blahs, we often experience poor sleep, lack of interest in our usual pastime activities, low motivation, tiredness, and dissatisfaction with our daily routine. Negative mood states have also been shown to have a negative influence on our health and on our interpersonal relationships. Friends and intimates may avoid us or become impatient and irritable when we experience negative mood states.


There are several brainwave patterns and mental states that are associated with negative mood states. Optima™ contains three blends of harmonics and subliminal that have been shown to elevate mood and motivation.

How To Use

Each blend uniquely targets specific forms of negative mood associated with different brainwave patterns. The recommended procedure is to try all three blends and select the one that seems most useful in elevating mood and motivation. You may find that your preference for a specific blend changes from time-to-time. The reason for this variability is that poor mood states may be the result of different causes that respond best to a specific blend on Optima™.

Optima™ can be used like meditation to elevate mood. Set aside about one hour and simply close your eyes and listen to all three tracks of Optima™. The first track arouses the frontal regions of the brain that increases awareness and focus. track two then specifically targets imbalances in the frontal regions that may be associated with negative mood states and the final track contains subliminals that enhance feelings of well-being and contentment.

Although everyone goes through slumps in motivation and loss of interest in activities that usually bring pleasure, prolonged slumps may indicate inefficient brainwave activity. When the frontal regions of the brain are under active or out of balance, such slumps can be difficult to overcome. Optima™ is particularly useful for these slumps. The first two tracks have the effect of arousing and balancing the brainwave activity in the frontal regions of the brain. Try giving yourself a brief exposure to each of the first two tracks a few times each day and watch for your activity level to improve.

track three contains both harmonics and subliminals that have been extensively researched on both clinical and non-clinical populations. In both groups, listening to track three of Optima™ increased feelings of calmness, peace, contentment, and well-being for most people. Take a break, close your eyes, and listen to track three. Most people report feeling better after a few minutes.




  • Mary Jo Sabo, Ph.D., BCI

    We have been using your Attention CD in the Yonkers School District since Feb, of 1998. We have had outstanding results using the tape and have noticed a significant reduction in aberrant behavior in the children using the CD. In each of the 3 sch...
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  • GK, Vancouver

    In experimenting with Dr. Swingle's Attention CD, I discovered that the sound produced a calming effect for me. I was particularly pleased with the impact it had for reading as it definitely increased my concentration and ultimately my comprehension.
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  • PZ, Ottawa

    ...In all probability you have forgotten my visits with you approximately ten years ago when I was referred to you by A.K. However, the reason I am writing you is to see if it would be possible to obtain a copy of the relaxation CD you gave me whe...
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  • CC, Ottawa

    I just want to let you know that I am fine. I have had very few headaches. I am using my relaxation CD and the exercises you gave me. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. It is a miracle to be headache and fiourinal free! Since...
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  • NC, Elementary School Teacher, Peace River, Alberta

    Our problem was that we originally only ordered two Attention CDs. The two teachers who had the most immediate and dramatic results with their students would not loan their CDs for the rest of the staff. When I listen to the CD, it appears to have...
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  • Dr. Claire Hawes

    My client made more progress after one use of (Sweep™) than in weeks (of regular EMDR therapy).
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  • Dr. Lee Pulos

    My patients prefer Sweep 3 to 1 over the EMDR stimulator.
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    I'm fairly jaded by 'gimmicks' and not easily impressed. Spectra however is really special and very impressive. Loved the instant meditative mental state that was stimulated. ...just the thing [that] alcohol treatment centres need. Unless there's ...
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