Welcome to Soundhealth Products

A leader in the research and development of products for neurophysiological healthcare professionals, Soundhealth Products Inc., has a range of sound healing CDs and MP3s for neurotherapy & biofeedback. We also carry brain regulation and optimization products for the general public. All products have been thoroughly researched and subjected to stringent quality control.

The products are designed to modify brain and physiological functioning to be used adjunctively to help improve various conditions including depression, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity problems, anxiety, sleep problems, phobia and addiction disorders. Soundhealth Products’ creator, neurotherapist and biofeedback expert, Dr. Paul G. Swingle, is also the former director of the Swingle Clinic (www.swingleclinic.com) established in 1998. The clinic is regularly visited by more than 14,000 people a year from all over the world.

Soundhealth Products Inc. is the leader in the development of low sound techniques that improve brain functioning. Dr. Paul Swingle is the internationally recognized authority in the field of low sound pressure psychoactive acoustics. Dr. Swingle’s book "Subliminal Treatment Procedures: A Clinician’s Guide" is the classic text in the field of clinical application of subtle energy stimulation and sound healing. In addition, the company produces products with other forms of stimulation including microamperage, light, and magnetic fields.

EVERY neurotherapy, biofeedback, and sound healing product marketed by SoundHealth Products, Inc. has been thoroughly researched to determine the exact effects on brainwave functioning. SoundHealth products are useful not only for helping with specific problems but are used by many as general aids to enhance relaxation, sleep and attention. Some products are used by the elderly to keep the brain sharp, and college students use harmonics to aid in their studying.

The professional division supplies products for clinicians in many areas of specialization.


  • Mary Jo Sabo, Ph.D., BCI

    We have been using your Attention CD in the Yonkers School District since Feb, of 1998. We have had outstanding results using the tape and have noticed a significant reduction in aberrant behavior in the children using the CD. In each of the 3 sch...
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  • GK, Vancouver

    In experimenting with Dr. Swingle's Attention CD, I discovered that the sound produced a calming effect for me. I was particularly pleased with the impact it had for reading as it definitely increased my concentration and ultimately my comprehension.
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  • PZ, Ottawa

    ...In all probability you have forgotten my visits with you approximately ten years ago when I was referred to you by A.K. However, the reason I am writing you is to see if it would be possible to obtain a copy of the relaxation CD you gave me whe...
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  • CC, Ottawa

    I just want to let you know that I am fine. I have had very few headaches. I am using my relaxation CD and the exercises you gave me. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. It is a miracle to be headache and fiourinal free! Since...
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  • NC, Elementary School Teacher, Peace River, Alberta

    Our problem was that we originally only ordered two Attention CDs. The two teachers who had the most immediate and dramatic results with their students would not loan their CDs for the rest of the staff. When I listen to the CD, it appears to have...
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  • Dr. Claire Hawes

    My client made more progress after one use of (Sweep™) than in weeks (of regular EMDR therapy).
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  • Dr. Lee Pulos

    My patients prefer Sweep 3 to 1 over the EMDR stimulator.
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    I'm fairly jaded by 'gimmicks' and not easily impressed. Spectra however is really special and very impressive. Loved the instant meditative mental state that was stimulated. ...just the thing [that] alcohol treatment centres need. Unless there's ...
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